Saturday, 6 June 2015

It is well...

Photo - Janelle Leanne

My heart sings with joy though my body is weary with uncertainty.  Unsure of so many things yet sure of His providence.  My soul dances before Him in worship even when I can barely stand. My heart sings for joy at his name, even when I am silent.  He sees through the uncertainty, through the pain and through the tears.  He knows when my heart is full and when I am in need of His abundant grace.  He has set a path before me.  In my weakness I find His strength.  He cares with a deep love that I cannot fathom within the confines of my own humanity.

photo - Janelle Leanne

Be encouraged!  God does not forsake you.  He never leaves you and will never let you fall... He still has a plan no matter what comes your way.  I am a living, breathing testament to this fact.   He loves you!

It is well with me...

Love Nel  xx